Tuesday, November 13, 2012

It's been a whole year...... WOW!!!

It's hard to believe that one year ago at this time we were dealing with a cancer diagnosis. It's really amazing when I think about everything that we have been through. I have been truly blessed with how well my body has tolerated all of the treatment. I am doing well :)
 Things are continuing for Dan and I like we are normal people :) I am working my normal schedule. I feel like normal. What ever that is haha.
 I have had a little hick-up this week, dang it! I have had this continuous shoulder ache that comes and goes. It is the weirdest thing ever. Some days and mostly nights my right shoulder aches horribly. It keeps me awake at night and really drives me nuts. Then I will wake up and it is totally fine. Well, this week I woke up one day and I felt this real heavy feeling in my right arm. It clicked in my head that shut....this might be lymph edema. I made an appointment today to go see the physical therapist that my doctor recommended I see. She said that my achy shoulder is probably what has caused this lymph edema. Lymph edema is something that can happen when you have had your lymph nodes removed like I had when I had my mastectomy. She said that from my shoulder having a problem the extra fluid that normal lymph nodes would take care of is going into my arm because my lymph nodes have been removed/altered in this arm. So the long and short of it is that today I had to go get a sleeve to wear on my arm.  The sleeve is really tight, but not to bad at all to wear. I also have to wear a glove :( I don't like the glove. People can see it. Boo hoo......  I need to wear the sleeve during the day and the glove when I can. I will not be able to wear the glove at work. Just wont work. I put gloves on a 100 times a day and another glove, especially this thick one, wont work. The fluid is pretty minimal, but is present, so I need to get the fluid gone an do some manual lymph massage and then when the fluid is gone I wont have to wear the sleeve. So....as long as I manage the swelling and keep on top of it, I don't think I will have to wear the sleeve and glove to much. That is my hope anyway.

My reconstruction is scheduled for January 7th. I am excited to just get that done and get done with all of these surgeries.

I was very upset to learn that I will not be able to do the clinical study that Dr. Kaplan wanted me to do. For some reason I missed the window to start the study. I was pretty pissed about this. They have me fill out all of the paper work get me totally ready for the study, then they didn't call me to have me come
 in when it was time to start.  I was told that I had to start it within 60 days of my last radiation. I am like why didn't you guys ever tell me that and why didn't you call me to get me started on it. They really had no answers for me. But what ever. I guess it wasn't meant for me to be in on the study.

Hard to believe that Thanksgiving is next week. HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO YOU ALL.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Doctor appointments and first mammogram

Well, it's been a crazy week for Dan and I. I saw Dr. Kaplan last week. Just love him. Everything seemed to be fine. He examined me and ask me how things are going with my arimidex. No crazy lumps or anything yeah! I seem to be handling the arimidex fine. I maybe experiencing some minor fatigue, but not even sure of that. There is a list of symptoms one might experience and I don't seem to be experiencing them.

Then I had my mammogram this last Tuesday and my world was rocked...again!! The radiologist told me he wanted a couple more views. So they take me back and take a few more shots of my left breast. He brought me back into his office (you can imagine the crap that is racing through my mind) he told me that everything was okay, but he wanted to see me again in six months to check some small calcium spots he sees. I am like, you are freaking me out. He says I don't want to freak you out we just need to check things in 6 months. I then leave there office and walk straight over to my appointment with Dr. Buchanan. I bawled the whole way over to her office. I am like really? How can this be? I wanted a double mastectomy and they didn't want to take them both. This is one of the many things that was racing through my mind. I am thinking that i will get over to Dr. Buchanan and she will reassure me that it is okay and we will just continue to move forward. I have my reconstruction surgery scheduled, so I am thinking I can't go ahead with reconstruction if there might be something in my left breast. So I walk in to see Dr. Buchanan, she has already received my scans and report. I could tell by the look on her face that it wasn't good. Now I am crying and totally freaking out. She suggested that we do a "stereotactic needle core biopsy" right a way. They scheduled it for the next day at 3:00pm. She said that 80% of these come back benign so there was a great chance this would be nothing. I left her office and started my trek back to Harborview to go to work. I called Dan and of coarse he is pissed and scared and wondering what the heck. I got to my clinic and walked straight into my bosses office shut the door and started hysterically crying. My boss was crying with me. It was horrible. Thanks Jo for the hugs, love and support. Dr. Kaplan called me and told me his toes were crossed and he just wanted me to know he was thinking about me and hoping for the best. His call was great, but it also kind of scared me because it made me realize shit this could come back bad. As you can imagine that night, the next day, the procedure...it was all awful. Poor Dan. Poor me. Poor Nancy. Thank you Nancy for coming and picking me up from the procedure and bringing me home. I didn't even tell Nancy what was going on, I just ask her if she could pick me up from a procedure that I needed to have. So she was freaking out too.  After the biopsy the doctor told me it looked like all of the tissue and the calcium deposit looked benign. That made us all feel better, but you don't really know until you get the true biopsy report. So Dan and I had another night of wonderment, fear, worry, ugh!!
They didn't think I would get the results until today, but I got the best call ever from Dr. Buchanan last night just after five. She called and said all the tissue was benign and that everything is A OK!!
Praise the Lord and hallelujah!!! We are so happy and relieved.  

I have my reconstruction surgery scheduled for the first week of January. I will have about 6 weeks of recovery after that. Then I will have implants place in late spring. Kimmy's rack will be back :)

Lets just stay on this schedule with no more scares PLEASE!!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Doctor tomorrow.......

I see Dr. Kaplan tomorrow for blood work and my 3 month check up. I feel pretty good about it, but there always is a bit of fear too. What if? Seems to creep in, but nothing I dwell on at all. I am just positive and I am feeling good and doing good. I am handling the medication that I am on really well. I haven't had any side effects. Yea!!!
I saw Dr. Isik my reconstruct doctor a few weeks ago. Surgery will be scheduled around the first of the new year. He feels my skin is looking really good. The better my skin heals from radiation the better my out come will be so I was glad to hear that. I did learn that this surgery is another big one :( It is more uncomfortable than my mastectomy. Bummer!!! Not excited about that. But I can do it! I will be off work for about 6 weeks. Then I will have the final surgery around May. Then I should be rebuilt :) Yes!!!!
I see Dr. Buchanan my breast surgeon next week. I also have my first mammogram next week. Its been six months since I have had any scans. Amazing how fast time fly's by.
I am feeling really good. My energy is back. My hair is coming back. Wish it would come in a little faster haha :) 
Summer has come to and end and now it is time for football and time to watch my girl play basketball. woop woop!!!

The 3-day walk

The 3-day Susan G. Komen walk was so awesome! My team and I just rocked this walk. It actually turns out to be a bit more than 60 miles in the 3 days. It was myself, Jody Nelson, Courtney Edelbrock and Jenn Stendera. We came in in the top 200 out of 1400 each day. It wasn't a race, but we seemed to just truck along at a good pace everyday. It is so cool! Camp is a see of pink tents. I must say it has been a few years since I have slept in a tent :) but I totally loved it. The weather was perfect. Nice and warm. My husband was totally amazing through the whole event. He set our tent up, which was so great. We came in after 22 miles our first day to our camp totally ready for us to enjoy. Most people had to arrive after there 22 miles and still put there tent up. The first night we came in showered and then had our little "happy hour" at our tents then we went and ate and enjoyed others. My credential tag had a little gift box on it which meant someone had purchased a sweet treat for me. I was so surprised and tickled when I went to pick it up and I had two, one from Greg and Katy Mowrer and another from Ric and Terry Owen. Thank you guys so much!
The second day we were all a little sore, but ready to hit it again. Our camp was at marymoor park in Redmond. We left camp and headed straight up a trail heading to Bellevue. It was a brutal way to start the day. Through the day you have certain areas that are cheering stations. These were pretty emotional for me for some reason. It is just amazing how people come out and I mean a lot of people to just cheer you on and thank you for walking to support breast cancer. It was just really cool.   Courtney's friend Jenny was meeting us at one of the cheer stops so we all were excited to see Jenny.
When we got to the cheering station that Jenny was at she had made this great sign
Thanks Jenny! Also thanks for the peanut butter balls. They were so good!
Big shout out to Jenny. Jenny has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer also ;( She was going to do the walk with us and then was diagnosed her self. Isn't that horrible. Ugh!! Jenny anything I can do for you please let me know.
The final day of the walk was very cool and emotional. Dan was fabulous again....he was at our camp at 5:30 am ready to tear our tent down and pack it up so that we didn't have to do it. Wow!! We were able to just get up get dressed go have breakfast and go to the bus. It was really nice. They bused us to the University of Washington and we walked from there. We walked through the UW campus over to the Ballard locks then up to and through Magnolia and ended at Memorial Stadium in Seattle. When we got to the finish line it was really cool. Dan was there taking pictures of us and we got all confused and passed the entrance and had to run back to enter...
We were all so excited!!  We all got t-shirts. I got a pink one since I am a survivor and the others got white ones. I got really emotional when I got my shirt. It was weird, I just started bawling. The whole experience was just amazing. My team was amazing. Thank you all for experiencing this event with me. "Kimmy's breast friends" rock!!! And our goal is to each bring in at least one more person to the team next year. So anyone that wants to join us let me know. It is a weekend that you will never forget.
                                  Haley made this sign for our tent. Loved it!!! Thanks Haley
                                                    My team.....ready to go day one.
                                                               Opening ceremony
                                                         Walking across I-90 bridge
                                                     Volunteers really get into this event
                                                                    Lunch day one
                      My friend Libby from boot camp. Diagnosed the same week I was :(
                                                               Coming into camp day one
                                                                  The pink tents
                                                              Courtney and Jenn
                                                            Our new 3-day hats :)
                                 Lake Washington.....day two with our groovy pink glasses
                                                                closing ceremony
                                                                   We did it!!!!!
The closing ceremony. My dear friends Nancy, Amanda and Sammy Pugh. Also Kristen (Jody's daughter). So so sweet of you guys to come to this event. I love you all lots!!!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

I am doing well.....

Hi everyone. I am back :) Sorry I have been away for a while. I guess I just decided to take a break from this darn cancer thing. I am doing really well. My hair is coming back....yea!! I am feeling more and more like normal again. It has been almost two months since my last radiation. Wow...hard to believe. Time goes by so darn fast. This week I have made appointments with all of my doctors for my 3 months check ups. Oh, I don't think I have shared with you all that I am now on my maintenance medication ( i guess that's what you would call it). We thought all along that I would be put on tamoxifen....surprise, my blood work showed that I am in menopause so that meant I would be on a different medication. I was a little shocked and I knew nothing about the other medication so it freaked me out a bit. My doctor said this is all good stuff though. He said this medication is actually better, so I guess all good. I take arimidex daily now for five years. I guess since I am so young that my numbers could change as time goes by and my body continues to get back to normal. Anyway, so now I will see my reconstruction doctor this next week. Excited about that. Kimmy's rack will be back...haha I should find out when we will schedule for that surgery. It's kind of a long process. Surgery, heal, expansion and then implants. Should all be done by next summer. I will see my breast surgeon the first of October. I will have my mammogram the same day I see my surgeon. Nice! Will be nice to find out those results immediately. I also will see my oncologist this same week.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

One week out of treatment....

It's been one week now since I've been done with cancer treatment.  It's so nice :) I plan on working my normal schedule this whole week.  I have been working, but I've left early if my patient load was down.  My skin has been really sore.  The radiation area truely looks like my skin caught on fire.  It  is dark and red and burnt.  I do think it is starting to heal now though.  The dark layer is literally peeling away.  It's kind of gross.  The skin underneath is so soft and like new skin.  I can't wait till the whole area looks like that.

I see Dr. Kaplan again on August 7 to start my tamoxifen.  I kind of want to get started with that.  I guess I feel like if I'm taking something it will help with this cancer not coming back.  Which that is exactly what the tamoxifen is doing.  I will see my radiation oncologist towards the end of August.  I need to schedule with Barry to get going on the clinical study real soon too.

Monday, July 23, 2012

I AM DONE.......

Today was a great day.  I am officially done with cancer treatment.  I had my last radiation treatment today :) WOW.....  I arrived at Swedish Medical Center for my first appointment at 11:30.  I saw Dr. Ridgeway at the Laribee center to get more latisse.  This stuff is amazing. My eyelashes and eye brows are coming in so well from this product.  Next I went over the Dr. Kaplans office (my oncologist) love him.  My appointment with Dr. Kaplan was for noon.  My last radiation appointment was for 1:00pm.  As usual I waited for about an hour to see Dr. Kaplan, which I don't mind at all because he is a very busy man.  I get called back to see him at 12:50.  I let them know that I need to run down stairs to get my radiation.  Of coarse, it was not a problem at all.  People at the cancer center are amazing people.  They all treat you so well.  I went down stairs to the radiation clinic and I see all of my friends that I have made over the last 5 weeks.  We have a special bond.  We have seen each other Monday through Friday at 1:00pm for 5 weeks.  I brought some yummy cookies....that's what people do when it is there last treatment day.  I went in and changed into my designer gown, as they call them.  Then  I came out and started visiting.  My favorite little lady was passing my cookies around to everyone....it was so cute :).  Her husband has esophageal cancer and his throat is so sore from radiation that he can't eat.  He has lost so much weight :( I will think of them often.  Then everyone was so happy for me that it was my last day.  We all discuss how many days each has left, then Beth came out to get me for my treatment.  I jumped up with excitement and everyone started clapping for me....I have been an emotional basket case every since.  It just touched me in a way that I can't even describe.  I continued to flood tears through my radiation.  My therapist were so sweet and totally understood even more than me about the emotions I was feeling.  I gave them all big hugs and Beth gave me a big kiss.  I told them thank you for always treating me so kind and I shared that I hope I never see them again :) I quickly ran in and changed back into my clothes.  I rushed out of the dressing room and told everyone that I could not stop crying since there wonderful applaud for me.  I wished them all the very best...and ran to the elevator and scurried to floor five where Dan was still waiting in the treatment room for me at Dr. Kaplans office.  Dr. Kaplan came in and I was still emotional.  He sat down very close to me and shared that this day is often as emotional as the first day you are diagnosed.  It is a weird mix of emotion.  I am so excited to be done, but yet a little scared also.  Now the fear of it returning enters your mind.  As you all know that continue to follow my journey, I am not a downer nor will I be a downer nor will I allow these thoughts to remain with me, but today they emerged and it is okay.  Dr. Kaplan discussed with me that I will now take tamoxifen for probably just a couple of years then as I emerge into complete menopause I will switch to another drug that I will take for a total of 5 years.  I will see him every 3 months now for two years.  I will have mammograms once a year and CT scans and or MRI once a year.  So I will be scanned every six months.  I am good with that.  I also will be starting a clinical study with in the next month.

My skin is very dark and is getting pretty sore.  The treatment area is very defined now.  I put first aid cream and aquafor on it many times a day.  The treatment is accumulative and will continue to get worse before it starts getting better.  It will probably be about two weeks before it starts getting better. 

I am doing much better now.  I started this blog about two hours ago.  I am no longer crying and seem to have a grip on my emotions for now.  Dan and I and Haley are having a nice dinner tonight and enjoying saying that I am done with treatment.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Getting through radiation......

Hi everyone.  So sorry it has been a while since I have blogged.  I am doing good.  I have had 24 radiation treatments now.  Woo Hoo!!  Nine more to go and I am done with cancer treatment.  Crazy huh!?  I seem to be handling radiation very well.  My skin is a little dark, but it hasn't been sore or red much at all.  I keep waiting for it to hurt and it hasn't yet.  It has got a little itchy, but not to bad.  I will see Dr. Kaplan (my oncologist)  on July 23rd, which is also my last radiation treatment day.  I am sure we will talk about the tamoxifen that I will start taking.  Also about the schedule that I will see him now.  I believe that I will see him every three months for two years.  I will also have CT scans and or a Mammogram every six months for a few years.  I am good with being seen very regular for a long time.  I have also decided to do a clinical study that will start once I am done with radiation.  I will have to fill you all in more about that later. 

My hair is really coming in good.  It still has a ways to go before I am ready to run around without a hat, but it is getting there :)  It started coming in really white :( so I have already dyed it. Haha  It is definitely going to be curly :) I will never complain about my curly hair again ;) once it all comes back.  I can't wait to use a hair tie again.  That will be a while.

Dan and I are really looking forward to getting back to normal.  What ever normal really is...haha
Just going to work and working my normal schedule.  Not going to Seattle for doctors appointments every week. And all the other crazy stuff we have had to do to deal with this crazy cancer.

I have been walking a lot preparing for my 3-day walk that is in September.  It's been a little more difficult since I went back to work to get my miles in.  But I am definitely walking many miles each week.

We have went boating a few weekends at crescent bar.  We just love boating and sunshine.  It took me a few times out in the sun to figure out how I could keep myself covered up and not look like a total dork.  I have to keep my radiated area totally out of the sun.  I have never had to run from the sun so that's been really different.  I've got a cute swimsuit coverup now and I have a few t-shirts that are working well.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Back to work after 8 weeks off....

First day back to work today :) I got to work and they had made me a card and everyone signed it and it was on my computer. It was pretty special. My day went good, but wow, I sure had to focus a lot. It was great though. I am so glad I came back to work before my residents graduate. They graduate on Friday, but will be in the clinic until the end of the month. What a great bunch of Oral Surgeons we have coming out of Harborview. Proud to be a part of them. ALSO....I went to work today with out a hat. First time I have ventured out without a hat. I still really need more hair to venture any where else, but I figured I were a bonnet at work while in surgery and I can't wear my hat while not in surgery so, I did it. My co workers thought I looked great, but I need more hair before I will be going out in the real public. It sure felt good to not have a hat on though. I am sick of hats. I want a real hair do.
This is my first picture with out a hat. Like I said I still need more hair. 

I have had 10 radiation treatments now. I still do not feel any symptoms. My skin is not feeling burnt at all yet. I put this first aid cream on 3 times a day. I am told that after 3 weeks my skin will start to show signs of treatment. I have 23 more treatments to go.

I went to crescent bar this last weekend and boy it is really hard to run from the sun. I am so used to being in the sun. I always put sun screen on, but I also always get so dark. Its just my skin. My radiation therapist are freaking out because I am so dark. I am really keeping my radiation area out of the sun.  But the rest of me is still getting really dark. 
It sure was great to be with our wonderful boating friends. Pughs and the Nelsons! We sure love you guys lots. And we always all have so much fun. 

Still walking several times a week preparing for my 3-day. Doing my first training walk this Saturday with Courtney Edelbrock (very special friend and 3-day teammate). We are walking 9.67 miles. Looking forward to it. That is half of one of our 3-day walks. I still hope to do a 15 mile day or more before the actual 3-day.

Monday, June 11, 2012


I have had three doses of radiation.  I don't notice anything at all yet.  It has been a bit of a hassle cruising to Seattle everyday, but we knew it would be. Radiation is really weird.  I lay down on this hard table, they put a pillow under my knees and then I put my hands over my head and grip onto this pole.  The Hugh machine cruises around me and zaps me in several different spots.  I will see my doctor on Wednesday and I am anxious to ask her exactly what areas are getting zapped. 

Other wise, things are good.  I am going back to work on the 19th.  It will be nice to get back into the swing of normal stuff.  After a few weeks they say my skin will start to get red and can feel like a sunburn.  Some people experience some fatigue. Lets just pray that I don't. I am tired of feeling tired. 

I have been walking several times a week.  I walked 7 miles today.  My longest walk yet. My neighbor Tonya goes with me most of the time.  Dan goes with me on the weekends.   I am really looking forward to the 3-day walk.  It is motivation to have something to look forward to at the end of the summer. Thanks again to everyone that donated to support this walk and breast cancer.

My hair is coming in a lot :). Can't wait till I don't have to wear a hat anymore. Probably several more weeks till that though.  I think I am feeling almost like normal.  I think :)??  

Things are good. Life is good. Praise God!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Gearing up for radiation....

Hello all.  It's almost time to start radiation.  I am anxious to get started so that I can get done.  My first treatment is tuesday June 5th.  Very special day!! :) I will have 33 treatments.  Everyday Monday through Friday.  It is going to  be more of a nuisance than anything because we will have to drive to Seattle every day.  But oh well, it is what it is.  My friend Libby said that radiation is a breeze compared to everything else we have went through.  I may start to feel some fatigue after a few weeks of treatment and my skin will start to feel burned after a while.

I went this last week and got my prosthesis.  It's weird and really heavy.  Not sure this one is going to work for sure or not.  I also got a couple bra's and Nordstrom sewed a pocket into them for the prosthesis.  I can't wait to have reconstruction so I can be more normal.  It's kind of a pain to use the prosthesis.  I haven't used it in a swim suit yet.  Going to try that out this weekend.  We don't really swim, but I do like to wear a swim suit.

Also my hair has started to come back....woot woot!  Hair has started coming in every where haha.  I haven't shaved for months and I am back to shaving daily, ughhh.  Not complaining, happy to have something normal again :)

I have been training for my Susan G. Koman 3-day walk :)  I have been walking 3-6 miles everyday.  I have 3 team members walking with me.  Jody Nelson, Courtney Edelbrock and Courtney's friend Jenn.  I am so excited for this event.  Courtney and I are walking tomorrow.  Haley and Dan have also been great walkers with me.  I have such a great support team.  I am lucky!!

I will be going back to work on the 13th of June.  I am a little concerned because I will have to walk over to treatment everyday and I feel bad because I will have to miss some work to do this.  I have been gone for weeks then when I come back I will miss some work again.  They are all wonderful to me.  I love my work and my co workers SO much!!  I just can't wait till all of this is behind me and I can just go to work and be normal.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


  Because of all of my amazing friends and family I have met my goal for my Suzan G. Komen 3-day walk.  It is 60 miles in 3 days and I am SUPER excited to be a part of it.

So many people donated to help me and I am so humbled by your generosity.  I promise to not forget your kindness and will do my best to pay it forward.

 I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your donations, support and love.


Post surgery update....

This surgery has really been more than I was prepared for.  I don't know what I was ready for, but not this.  I have never had major surgery before and all I can say is it is not fun at all.  I think the hardest part is the time it is taking to get better.  It"s just really hard to not be able to do things because you are injured. I have sure taken a lot for granted in this life of mine.  It is amazing the things you cannot do when one of your arms, right arm at that, is not working to full capacity.  It really sucks!  Okay enough complaining.

I went to see my radiation oncologist on Monday.  She feels I look fantastic and am doing so well.  Sure don't feel that way.  I will go back to see her on the 24th of May to have very small tattoos placed on my chest and underarm.  They use these tattoos to know where to aim the radiation beam.  Then it takes a week or so the get everything prepared and ready to go for me to start radiation.  My first radiation appointment will be June 5th.  Very special day.  MY BIRTHDAY!  Don't they know how important my birthday is to me?  Oh well, it will be nice to just get it started.  Have to start it to finish it.  I will have 33 sections so radiation will go until the middle of July.  I am kind of bummed because I wanted to be done by the end of June.  Oh well.

I saw my surgeon on Tuesday for a check up and to get my port removed.  So nice to not have that ugly bump on my chest anymore.  Wont miss that thing one bit.  I am healing well from surgery and the site looks good to a surgeon.  Looks icky to me.  I am having a problem with my arm.  I keep having this burning sensation and it is really uncomfortable.  She says it is my nerves kinda freaking out because they have been cut and messed with.  This is were they removed the nodes from.  She wants me to see another doctor for this.  I am so tired of doctors and doctor appointments.  So I still have to make an appointment to see him.  He is a specialist on rehabbing me back to full capacity with my arm.  Ugh....

I seem to have good days and not so good days emotionally and physically.  Emotionally I think I am good and can handle all of this.  Knowing that I will be rebuilt is what keeps me okay.  Physically I just need to let my body heal and start feeling better and I will be fine.  I still have a lot of pain some days and not so much others.  I think most of this is from the nerves in my arm.  I just don't want to hurt anymore.  It's gotten really old.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Surgery is tough stuff......

Well, I am still hanging in there.  This surgery is no joke.  I am tired of being tired.  I am tired of being sore.  I am tired of depending on other people to do things for me.  I am just tired!  I have never taken pain pills for 10 days straight, until now.  It has been pretty uncomfortable.
I saw my surgeon on Tuesday.   I really like her a lot.  She removed one of my drains...woot woot.  She went over my path report with me.  She was able to remove all of the cancer :) the margins were all clear.  That is really good because they don't know for sure when they are doing surgery that they are getting it all.  It's not like the cancer is blue haha.  Would be nice if it was.  She also removed 28 nodes and only two had any cancer in them.  I totally freaked out when she said she removed 28 nodes.  I was like what the heck does that mean?  She an my oncologist explained it to me like this......they said that our nodes are like a bunch of grapes dangling down in my armpit area and when they do surgery they go in and grab that bunch.  Some people may have a few, others 10,20,30.  The better news was that only two of the 28 were positive for cancer.  There were probably more nodes that had cancer in them, but the chemo took care of them.

It was really nice having my mom here for a few days and then my sister here for a few days.  Great to have family around.  Haley has been home also and that too has been really nice.

Yesterday I noticed that my other drain had drastically started to drain less.  They had told me that once I was down to draining 30ml or less I could have the drain removed.  I called and headed back to Swedish to get that drain removed.  My nurse wasn't totally happy with me and was feeling that I should keep it in a little longer.  She wanted me to be draining under 30ml for a couple days.  I was in Seattle, again this week, and I wanted that icky drain removed.  So she removed it :).  Of course reminding me of some things that can happen if I continue to drain.  I was instructed to totally take it easy and do nothing.  Well that is what I have been doing for 10 days anyway so should be pretty easy.  Also I need to watch for any puffy or squishy areas.  I think so far so good.  Still all looks the same to me.  It is SO nice to have those drains out.  I have so much less discomfort.  Actually, this is the first day I have not taken a pain pill.  Yay for that!!

This next week I see my radiation oncologist and I see a physical therapist.  I am anxious now to start radiation.  Lets just keep on rolling and get this done.  My friend Libby just finished her radiation today. Lucky dog!!  I hope to start May 21st.  The nurse yesterday said you have to be 30 days out of surgery.  No one told me that before.  They have always said 3-4 weeks past surgery depending on how you are healing.  So I guess we will see what the radiation oncologist says next week.  I want to get started!  Once I start radiation I will have to have 30 hits.  That will be everyday Monday - Friday for six weeks.  I have heard it is more of a nuisance than anything.  As far as what I go through, it should be a piece of cake compared to everything else.  So that's good news. 
I need to see a PT to get my arm back in motion.  I have been doing exercises.  But my arm is really sore.  It will move in all directions, but it hurts!

OH OH OH......on Tuesday I get my port removed :)  Will be so nice to not have this big purple bump above my chest anymore.  Dan calls it my over grown zit......eeeww 

I thank each and everyone of you for your continued support, encouragement, well wishes, prayers, thoughts and LOVE. 

Saturday, May 5, 2012

FIVE days post op surgery....

Hi everyone.  Well, I am doing pretty good.  This surgery is definitely a big deal.  I guess thats why it's called major surgery.  I feel like I have lost the last five days.  My mom was here for a couple of days and my sister was here until last night.  So nice having them here.  The worst part of all of this is these icky drains that I have.  One from my breast and one from the auxiliary nodes.  They are just down right gross! We have to drain them several times a day.  Dan has been absolutely wonderful, as usual :).  I haven't had horrendous pain.  I've been taking pain pills off and on it seems.  Last night was definitely my worst night so far.  Not sure why.  Night before last I didn't take any pain pills and yesterday I only took one.  Last night I took 4 or 6 through the night and I had a lot of pain.  I think my drains might be plugging up a bit. DanO and I did some major cleaning out this morning so hopefully that wont happen again.  I plan on starting the exercises that I am suppose to do today.  We'll see how that goes. 

 I see my surgeon on Tuesday. Very anxious for that appointment.  They should have my pathology back and I will get my true cancer staging.   I do know that she removed several nodes.  I love the thought that all of that nasty cancer is out of me.  That is a really good feeling.

Lastly and most important.......I can not believe all of the love that has been sent my way this past week.  THANK YOU to everyone of you that called, texted, came by and that sent flowers.  I have never ever had so many deliveries to my house way out here in the country.

Ali Better thank you for coming by the hospital to see me.  I have been wearing the healing beads bracelets you made me :) and the flowers you put together are still beautiful.

Ali Better's flowers

Joe & Sara's flowers/ Susan G Koman flowers :) amazingly beautiful!!

Bob & Deb Crescent Bar friends. Complete with teddy bear and candies :)

Maaartin & Jenni Coles.  Fruit, chocolates, crackers, meat and cheeses. Very cool! My photo does not do this basket justice.  It was so nice.

Greg, Katy, Megan and Emily. Beautiful Azalea that I can plant outside.

Merle, Bettie, Courtney, Wade, Janice, Reese and Hank.  Beautiful!!

My neighbor Tonya bought me this beautiful hanging basket and she brought us dinner when my mom and sister were here.  It was so nice.  Tonya you have been absolutely wonderful to us.  I cannot thank you enough for all you have done.  I love you

My blast from the past gift basket from Bergie, Jodi, Gina, Ali and Syd.  Came with a Teddy bear because my name in school was Teddy, Molly Hatchet CD because I used to cruise the gut with Molly Hatchet blasting out my speakers, an autographed baseball because I played on the boys baseball team my freshman year, two single shot tequila bottles don't know why they put these in here hahaha, a hot wheels silver camero because I had a hot silver camero in high school and a pink basketball because we all played ball together and we were awesome.  Basically we were State Champions our senior year.

Lastly my daughter and son in law Tami and Sam Kazdal ordered dinner for us from Mardini's restaurant in Snohomish for Thursday night.  It was so cool!  They are in Texas and wanted to do something for us.  Dan went and picked it up and we had a fabulous Mardini's dinner at home.

I started this post this morning and now it is 6:30pm.  I have had a pretty good day.  Dan and I made it to costco today and I did well.  I have needed to take my pain pills, but I was able to do my exercises too.  Still draining well haha. I also am very tired.

Thank you all again for everything.

Happy Cinco De Mayo to all.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

One day post op surgery.....

Hi all. I am doing well. The surgery went really good. I slept all day yesterday. I haven't had much pain. Well actually I guess that's because I've been taking pain meds :) Last night I had some nausea and got a little sick, but I've been pretty good since. I kind of freaked out this morning when I looked at my chest :(. It's so concaved. I can't wait for it to heal and look better. I have these crazy looking drains hanging from me. Icky!! I feel sad when I think about my body part being taken from me. But eventually I will be all put back together. I just try to think about that. I'm looking forward to seeing my doctor this morning then heading home. I cannot thank all of my friends enough for all of the support you ALL continue to give to me. Thank you so much!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Surgery tomorrow!!

I feel so ready for my surgery that is tomorrow.  It seems like we've been talking about this surgery for months so I am glad the time is finally here.  Lets get the rest of this nasty cancer out of me.
I am also very anxious to find out the results of the surgery.  The surgery is when they really find out how much cancer you had and or have.  This is the time to find out the true stage that the cancer was.  Lets all pray that it is exactly like they thought it was or better.  I know that my nodes were involved and the surgery will tell us how involved.  The GREAT news though is that it is all gone from the nodes now.  The chemo did its job on those nodes.....sweet!!  They will still be able to tell where the cancer was in those nodes and they will still remove the nodes.  

Dan and I have great attitudes and we are doing really good.  We will keep you all updated.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Enjoying NO chemo and preparing for surgery now...

Hi all.  So sorry it has been a while since you have heard from me.  Danno and I have skipped town for a few days to celebrate chemo being done and also to prepare for my up coming surgery.
We actually brought Karley and her friends Kristen Nelson and Chelsey Roos toVegas with us for the first couple of days.  This was Karleys 21st birthday present.  The girls were good, we got no sleep worrying until they got home every night, but it was all good.  The girls left on Monday so it has been just Dan and I since and we have been having a great time.  A lot of sunshine. A lot of walking. A lot of time together. A little gambling.  We really are not gamblers, but we sure are sun worshipers.  Been wonderful to see some sunshine.

I have still been experiencing some really sore fingernails and toenails.  It's so weird.  I have been having some tingling in my feet. I have had a real hard time sleeping.  Insomnia really sucks!  My hair has started to come back in....woot woot.  Dan calls me fuzz head :) It sure looks white :(.  Please don't come in white and straight haha.

Now our focus is on surgery.  I am actually feeling okay about it.  I want all of this cancer out of me.  My last scans showed that all of the cancer was gone from the nodes with the chemo :).  That is really good.  The tumor in my breast was still seen but was definitely smaller. So after surgery all cancer should be gone...yea!  My mom will be with us the day of surgery and my sister is coming a few days after surgery.  That will be nice for both Dan and I. Dan can spend the night with me in the hospital.  I am happy for that.
My emotions about the whole thing have been really good so far.  Lets hope they stay that way.

Thank you everyone for all of the wonderful support I continue to get from so many of you.  Dan and I appreciate it so much!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Friday evening five of my high school friends came to spend the weekend with me. It was the best time.  We laughed and laughed and laughed all weekend.  Four of us were basketball players together from the 7th grade through High School.  One was a cheerleader and one was on the dance team.  

I am so touched that they took time out of there busy schedules to come and stay with Dan and I. They came from Spokane, Bend OR, Goldendale and Seattle. 

We really have some great stories from little ole Goldendale. What a fun town it was to grow up in.  

We played a little basketball in the driveway.  Wow....we must have been in the best shape ever when we played in school cause it was hard to play now. We walked our loop out here in the country each day. We played games. We sat by the fire. We went to Doc and Anns (little divy cool tavern out here in the country) Friday night.  We talked about way back when.  It was just so much fun.  Thank you so much ladies!!

                                                              Doc & Anns

The morning fire......

The departure......boo hoo

One of the funnest, most special weekends ever!!  Thanks ladies!  I love you all.

My Last chemo :)

Friday the 13th of April, my last chemo treatment.  Whoot Whoot!!!! Very exciting day.  Everything went as planned.  I took my doctor and his staff some yummy cookies and I also gave the nurses at the infusion area cookies.  Dr. Kaplan has been such a wonderful doctor through this whole thing.  I also love his nurse Stephanie.
                                                 Dan, Dr. Kaplan, Me and Stephanie

My last treatment :)
Friday was a pretty long day.  After my treatment we had an appointment with my surgeon. Dr. Claire Buchanan.  It was actually my pre op appointment for surgery.  So they went over all the information that I need to know prior to surgery. 
I am to show up at the hospital at 8:15 am Monday the 30th.  Surgery to begin at 10:00.  I should just be in the hospital one night then home to heal.
I have started to feel a little concerned about being deformed a bit, if you will.  They talked about the special camisole that I will wear for a month and just all the other stuff that goes along with one loosing there boob :(.  It's okay though. I have to do what I have to do.

GREAT NEWS......I do not have the BRCA gene mutation.  That was so nice to get that news.  Great for my girls and great for me.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Eleventh "taxol" treatment done.....

It has been a very nice week.  My mom came into town last Saturday and has been here with me all week.  Dan has been in Texas since last Sunday.  Helping Tami with her kids and with the new arrival Charlotte, which they call Charly :)
                                                               So Precious!!!!!

Shelly, my sister also came to visit on Monday and Tuesday.  It has been a wonderful week visiting with my mom and my sister.  We have laughed so much :)
My mom is doing really well.  She is still in her neck brace, but doing so good.  She sees her doctor next week and will probably be able to go with out her brace real soon.  Big event....my mom got an iphone!!!  She is actually texting us now.  This is really cool.  Now if she will only let us show her how she can be online and follow all of us on facebook and stuff she will really be connected.  This might take some time haha.

I have been doing pretty good.  I started having soreness in my toe nails and finger nails, weird.  It took me a while to figure out that it was related to the "taxol".  I have started to have some tingling in my feet, but it has been pretty mild.  The toe nails and finger nails soreness is so annoying.  I find myself pushing on the nails all the time.  My fatigue is the same.  I never seem to get anything done :(  I cannot fall asleep for nothing lately.  Hate that.  I do have sleeping pills, but I don't like to take them every night.  But I have started to because I need to sleep.

My mom and my sister just loved my wig and had a lot of fun with it.....

Looks just like me from the back huh :)  My sister said she finally has the hair she always wanted haha.  This was a fun day!  I wore my wig and then they did too.  We laughed so much. Cried a lot also.  It was the first time mom saw the video that Shelly made when I shaved my head.  That is a tear jerker still.  Mom has handled all of this really well.  It was the first time she has seen me since I lost my hair.  She just wants to keep taking pictures of my bald head.  I don't like pictures of my bald head :).

Today went really good.  It was really cool to have Haley and Mom with me.  It was there first time going.  Haley took a really cool video, but I cant seem to get it up. Darn it!
                                                             Mom, Haley and Me

Well, I now have one more chemo treatment.  So awesome!  And it really has gone by fast.  I still have not got my results back for my BRCA testing.  Should for sure get it next week.  On Monday I have a doctor appointment for "latisse". I have an appointment for an MRI and for a CT SCAN.  The Latisse is to help my eyelashes grow back in faster.  I am really excited about that :).  MRI & CT SCAN are to check to see how well all of this chemo has done.  I hope its done really really well.

Last chemo next Friday and then my very good high school friends are coming into town to stay with us for the weekend.  Going to be a great time!  We all reconnected at our 30 year reunion last summer and they have stayed in close contact ever since.  Great, funny & fun group of girls.  Can't wait for Gina, Jamie, Bergie, Syd, Jody and Ali to come see me. Woot Woot.....going to be a fun fun weekend.  Gina and Jody are coming from Goldendale.  Syd is coming from the Spokane area, Bergie is coming from North Bend Oregon.  Ali is coming from Seattle.  Gonna be a great time!!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Tenth treatment

I am sitting at Swedish with Dan and karley and Joanna waiting to see my doctor before my "taxol" treatment. We are all really excited and can't stop talking about the fact that I only have two more treatments. Woot Woot!!! Karley filmed my whole port access, which was really cool. The nurses just loved it. I go in and get my port accessed and then we go see the doctor and then we go up stairs for my treatment. This is what is going on during treatment right now :)

Been a fun time with the girls.  Amazing that chemo can be fun.  Thanks for all the laughs girls.
 Love you

Oh, and yes lucky Danno is here also :)

He gets to hang with use beautiful, hot, lovely woman.  He is so lucky....hahaha