Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Surgery update......

It's been two weeks since my reconstruction surgery. I am doing really well. It was very tough for the first 3-4 days. A lot of pain. The pain pills were making me sick. It was just no fun. Dan went and picked up some new prescriptions for me on Wednesday and that seemed to be my turnaround day. My mom also came and stayed with us for a few days and that was so nice. I wasn't able to get my self up or lay myself down. It is amazing all of the things you use your chest muscle for. Just yesterday I was able to put my shoes on by myself. Now I just need to continue healing. It seems that most everyday I feel better. Some mornings I am sorer than others. My stupid shoulder continues to give me a hard time. Some nights my shoulder aches more than my surgery site. My surgery site looks pretty good. The flap they placed looks like a football. It is a big diamond shape piece of tissue. The radiated tissue around the flap is real firm, leather like. The new tissue from my back is like baby skin. So soft. This tissue is the tissue that will stretch to allow my implant to be placed in 4-6 months. I had my surgery check up last week and Dr. Isik felt everything looked great! Yay! I see him again next Wednesday for my first expansion appointment. They will add fluid to the breast and we will do this every other week allowing the tissue to stretch. Once the tissue has stretched to the size of breast I want we will then do a lift and an implant on my left side :). Then a couple months later we will remove the expander on my right side and put the implant in that side. Then I hope I am done with this darn cancer surgery stuff :). Of coarse I will continue to see my oncologist for several years every three months and I will have my mammograms and MRI'S every six months.


  1. Hi,

    I have a quick question about your blog, would you mind emailing me when you get a chance?



